If you are in Raleigh, NC on Friday, September 13th, this will be your lucky day.
In connection with the show Close to Home: A Decade of Acquisitions, now up at the NC Museum of Art, the museum is sponsoring what it is calling "an informal evening of conversation with artists cool enough to call North Carolina home."
Photographers invited to attend include Titus Heagins (see image below), Bill Bamberger, Taj Forer, Alex Harris, Linda Foard Roberts (see image above), John Rosenthal, M.J. Sharp (see image below Titus' image), and Jeff Whetstone.
There will be other NC artists in attendance, but we are photographers and these are the folks who matter to us.
The NCMA is making an evening of the event.
Starting at 6:00 pm, there will be a food truck, then an hour of conversation with the artists, then "wine and ambiance" with Ed Stephenson and the Paco Band in the NCMA's West Building Wine Bar.
Congratulations to all these photographers who have the honor and distinction of having their work included in the permanent collection of the NC Museum of Art.
This should be a fine evening indeed. Come out and meet these folks, and see their work in the show on view in the North Carolina Gallery.
A great evening! Good to see Titus and MJ again, and to meet Bill Bamberger and Linda Foard Roberts. Great work, good conversation, really great to see North Carolina photographers celebrated by our state's art museum.