The folks at the Oxford American seem to have gotten their act together after their recent unpleasantness.
The new regime has authorized Savannah-based photographer Jeff Rich to develop a series of pieces featuring Southern photographers, under the broad heading, Eyes on the South.
This is an on-going series, so we do not have that sense of finality or completion that the list of work accepted for a show, or for inclusion in a book, or for recognition as this year's people to notice might have.
But the list has grown to include a good number of folks, and their names, and their work, are therefore worthy of our recognition.
Best I can tell, the series started on the Oxford American website on September 11th, 2012, and continues at roughly weekly intervals.
As of the moment, the list includes the following:
Miranda Ellis
Andrew Hefter
Charlotte Strode
Gary Pilcher
Lizzie Cuthbertson
Aaron Canipe
Sophie Lvoff
John Lusk Hathaway
Aaron Norberg
Rylan Steele
Lake Roberson Newton
Maury Gortemiller
Kael Alford
Brooke White
Jacqueline Sparks
There is lots of good work here, well worthy of our attention, and participation, for that matter.
To help with that, here is the official Call for Submissions, straight from Jeff Rich himself.
Eyes on the South, curated by Jeff Rich
Each week The Oxford American will
feature one emerging or student photographer who documents the South in an
interesting and culturally relevant way.
Submit a cohesive body of work
that deals with a subject in the Southern United States.
The submission should consist of
10 to 20 photographs
Submit only JPEG files sized at
72ppi, and 600 pixels wide
Each image should be labeled
with your last name and then numbered.
For example John Smith would be: Smith01.jpeg, Smith02.jpeg…
For example John Smith would be: Smith01.jpeg, Smith02.jpeg…
Please include a word document
or PDF with an artist statement and a short bio that includes your hometown.
Also include the website and you
would like listed with your work on the Oxford American site.
Email your images, statement,
and bio to: oa.eyesonthesouth@gmail.com
So there you have it. I suspect that after an initial burst of enthusiasm, Jeff will need help in keeping this project going. Perhaps we can give him some work to consider.
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