The Savannah-grounded AINT-BAD MAGAZINE -- which is not limited in its coverage to Southern photography but always seems to find room for a Southern photographer or two -- has issued a call for entries for both print and online publication of selfie photographs.
Here's what the fine folks at AINT-BAD say about the Selfie in today's photographic culture, and about what they are looking for:
"The Selfie is privacy made public. It is the ultimate in contemporary TMI, at once new and as old as the portrait itself. And though the selfie seems to be here to stay, there is debate about its effect on personal and collective self-awareness.
"Has it left us with a fetish of the self, senselessly archiving the banality of our everyday lives? Or is it simply a convenient, healthy channel for self expression?
"In this issue, we want to see your face. Or we don’t. We want your selfies in all forms of interpretation. Give us the formal, give us the beyond-informal.
"Show us the whole story, or reveal a fragment of your unrelenting procession of time.
"Aint-Bad seeks work that explores the visual representation of self documentation and temporal existence in both representational and conceptual photo-based, multi-media platforms.
"This carefully curated issue of Aint-Bad Magazine will present photographic work and essays dealing with the concept of the selfie.
"We invite proposals from established, emerging, and simply self-motivated photographers and writers. A selection will be included in our print edition and an expanded selection of selfie images will be included on our website, aintbadmagazine.com.
"To submit, please send 10-15 photographs that define “The Selfie” for you. Accompanying your submission, please include at least one self portrait taken via cell phone or handheld camera."
The deadline for submission is July 15th, 2015. Full details on submitting are here.
Thanks to Parker and all the other fine folks at AINT-BAD for news of this opportunity.
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