The latest issue (Volume VI, # 2) of South by South East (SxSE) Photography Magazine is now out for the late winter of 2013, and it has all the fine photography and engaging features we have come to expect from SxSE.
Editor Nancy McCrary is breaking new ground with this issue by concentrating on two different subjects, Cuba and the Nude.
Photographers offering work made in Cuba include Dani Alfonso, Mario Algaze, Byron Baldwin, Nell Campbell, Lorrie Dallek, Meg Griffiths, Daniel Kramer, Builder Levy, Clay Lipsky, Mark Mosrie, Abigail Seymour, and Magdalena Solé (see image above).
Photographers offering interpretations of the Nude include Rose M Barron, Raymond Grubb, Paul Hagedorn, Christian Harkness (see image above), Bryce Lankard, Fred Link, and Jon Morgan.
In addition to all this fine photography there are all the interviews, reviews, discussions, and conversations we have come to expect, and value, from SxSE.
And you can have access to all this fine -- and award-winning -- work for a very reasonable fee.
You can subscribe to the online version here.
Don't put it off any longer.
You know you should subscribe.
You know it, you really do.
Thanks so much for calling attention the magazine and the great work Nancy does! It is a real pleasure working with her.