One of our readers sends along this review of the "New Southern Photography" show now up at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans.
Turns out the "New Southern Photography" show is only part of a much larger array of shows.
Here is the review:
"The New Southern Photography" show, organized in three adjoining small rooms with maybe 40 photographs, is quite strong.
"To a piece, the work (including Donna Pinckney's image, above) demonstrates a higher degree of originality, technical competence, and maturity of vision than you might expect of a show mostly made up of comparative newcomers.
"Curator Richard McCabe has a fine eye for photographs, and he also knows how to do an installation.
"A second and larger show, the "Louisiana Contemporary," is a juried competition. It is artwork by the natives, and it also is strong, with a lot of good photography. It was so well put together (by the curator of the McNay in San Antonio) that you might conclude that the state somehow found a way to spawn artistic talent.
"Then, there is a third show, of photographs from the Ogden's permanent collection, of Louisiana work by Bellocq, Laughlin, Evans, and others. Worth seeing? Yes, and to paraphrase dear old Dr. Johnson, worth going to see.
"So, you should fly down, and enjoy all this. New Orleans itself will not leave you bored.
"Then, next year, you can come for the Ogden's openings of these shows, which are on White Linen Night, when thousands of white-clad art lovers descend on the Julia Street fine arts district to enjoy art, food and drink, and music.
"All three shows close the 3rd week of September."
My thanks for this review!
Reviews by other readers are certainly welcomed. I request only that they be reasonable, fair, thoughtful, and descriptive.
Go Donna Pinkley!