Atlanta-based photographer Anne Berry is having a terrific 2014, and the year is not yet half over.
Her haunting images of primates have appeared in exhibitions and publications across the country and around the world.
They are also about to appear in a book Through Glass, due out at the end of July from North Light Press (publication information here).
Each copy of the published book will also include an original, hand-pulled photogravure print of one of Berry's images.
Berry has also had work juried into the Houston Center for Photography's annual Membership Exhibition, opening at the HCP on July 11th, 2014 and up through September 7th.
Her work in this show has received the Beth Block Foundation Award for being among the top portfolios in the show.
She also has work in the exhibit Center: The Choice Awards, now up at the Center for Contemporary Arts, in Santa Fe, NM, through August 2014.
Berry won one of the top prizes in this year's Center Award's competition.
Juror Malcolm Daniel, Curator of Photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, said of Berry's work that her "photographs of our primate cousins kept pulling me back with their deep sense of empathy. . . . . . the compelling subject matter and beautiful craft of Berry’s photographs won me over."
Recent exhibitions of this work include a show now up at the Unlimited Grain Gallery, in the Netherlands, a show just concluded at Art Vilnius in Lithuania, and a show of work by 31 Contemporary Photographers, an exhibition of winners and finalists from the LensCulture Competition for 2013, at the London College of Communication.
Berry warmed up for this year by placing among the Photo Lucida Critical Mass Top 50 awardees in 2013.
Her winning work was included in shows of the Critical Mass Top 50 at the Cordon Potts Gallery, in March of this year, and at the Houston Center for Photography in May of this year.
She also had work in the Currents show at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, in New Orleans, in December of 2013.
Berry has published work from the Through Glass portfolio in the following publications in 2014:
SEITES Magazine, Rfoto Folio, Business Insider, The Huffington Post, Viralnova, Feature Shoot, PetaPixel,Square Magazine, Beautiful Decay, Internazionale, Slate Magazine, and F-Stop Magazine.
This remarkable level of interest in Berry's work is strong testimony to the compelling power of her work. It is all richly deserved.
And who knows what the rest of the year may bring? We will try to keep you posted.
Haunting. I can feel the longing.