Monday, March 10, 2014

Diana Bloomfield in Walter Magazine

Raleigh-based photographer Diana Bloomfield is the subject of a feature story in the current issue of Raleigh's city magazine Walter.

Bloomfield -- who has won multiple awards and shown her work around the world -- uses chiefly pinhole cameras and alternative printing and processing methods.

Her work ranges in subject matter from landscapes to portraits to elegantly seen fragments of the natural and built worlds.

Bloomfield unites her compositional and printing skills to produce finely-wrought meditative images that invite our repeated contemplation.

There is a stillness in these images, even when the subject matter is in frenetic motion, that contributes to their distinctive tone and mood.

The Walter story, by Samantha Hatem, chronicles the development of Bloomfield's career and captures her distinctive vision.

This is hard-won and well-deserved recognition for the work of one of North Carolina's finest photographers.

NB the portrait of Bloomfield in her lab, at the top of this blog entry, is by Tim Lytvinenko, one of my former students, clearly doing well.


  1. Hey John - this is great work with which I was not previously familiar - so glad you posted this!

  2. hi was just seeing if you minded a comment. i like your website and the thme you picked is super. I will be back.
    Matthew David Parker
