Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Publication UpDates -- Susan Harbage Page, Daniel George, Ryan Steele

Susan Harbage Page's work on the traces of crossing the US-Mexican Border has been featured in an article called "Residues of Border Control"  in a recent issue of Emory University's Southern Spaces e-zine, co-written with InĂ©s Valdezm also of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

This piece contains a generous selection of Page's photographs as well as discussions of "Residual Objects at the Border and Immigrant Trajectories" and "Museums and the Upsetting of the Narrative of the 'Nation of Immigrants.'"

Page is doing powerful work here, and the Southern Spaces article enables us to explore it further.

Also in recent publications, two Southern photographers -- Savannah, Georgia's Daniel George  and Columbus, Georgia's Rylan Steele -- are among the featured photographers in Issue 26, the current issue -- of the online photography e-zine Fraction Magazine.

George has good work here from a series of color landscapes made in Southern suburbia (love those fake turkeys), while Steele is using his artistic selectivity to transform the mundane into the aesthetically interesting, like this gym turned polling place.

All definitely worth a look.

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